Wednesday, August 17, 2011

favourite things: #001

01. Snow days! I absolutely love anything that gets me out of work, especially if it involves frolicking in the snow and drinking copious amounts of hot chocolate. Unfortunately my job is from hell and I was actually picked up by my manager on Tuesday because J and I were "needed." Ended up being one of ten people that actually showed up. Was not pleased.

02. Listening to Mona on repeat. I am so in love with their music, like crazy in love. There are similar to Kings of Leon, but I find them to be much better.

03. Getting back into web design. I have had a personal website for years now and haven't done much with it over the last 3 years. But after seeing this image by Patrick Beser and having a troll around I came away with some inspiration and knocked up a new layout for my personal site. Also inspired by the lyrics from Shooting the Moon by Mona.

04. Spending hours upon hours looking through every post on my favourite fashion blogs. I have a whole list of sites in Google Reader that I look at, but there are a select few that I frequent over and over. They are: gh0stparties, moreemilk, beinglittle, daintydresses, and llymlrs. If you don't already follow them then you should.


yoli said...

you have a lovely blog!

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