Sunday, June 26, 2011

week in photos #001

001. I'm having a hair crisis lately. it has to be pulled back for work, and when i wear my hair in a ponytail for 5 days i lose all gumption to actually style it on my days off. my usual go-to style is pulled around to the side and plaited, but today i felt like trying my hand at a messy up do. my hair is super thick, so trying to get it to stay up is a hassle...i probably have at least 10 hair grips in there. also considering a colour change, possibly purple on the ends. don't really care as long as i get my roots touched up.

002. had a wee non-clothing shopping spree today. penny lane was selling DVDs for $5 a pop so i couldn't pass these up. this doesn't show the 4 or 5 the boy bought, or the 6 he came home with the other day.

003. heard on twitter that the Mediterranean food store was open again. it closed after suffering quite a lot of damage from the earthquake in February and just reopened despite having some fairly large aftershocks recently. the quotes are from my baci chocolates that i bought there, and they are divine.

004. the is my guilty pleasure as of late. i love catchy little pop songs and this is definitely one. I've been rotating this along with Ellie goulding's lights (bassnectar remix) and passion pit's sleepyhead (starsmith remix).

005. another purchase from the Mediterranean food store, amarettini cookies! i hate almonds, but i love amaretto especially when mixed with coke. these are like a little crunchy bite of amaretto flavoured goodness.

006. crunch! i don't know when these came to New Zealand and how i missed it, but as soon as i saw them in the super market i grabbed two. re watching series one of skins, the first gen cast is still my favourite.

007. watched Friday's ep of emmerdale, well just Aaron's storyline, and teared up like no one's business. i never usually get so emotionally invested in a show, especially a soap, but this storyline has been an emotional roller coaster. and the acting! Danny Miller that plays Aaron should be in movies, seriously, he always has me crying.


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