I'm not sure if I've mentioned on this blog that I have a habit of dressing completely inappropriately for most occasions. Like every time J and I go out for a bit of a trek around I'm always in a dress and ballet flats. We took a spur of the moment day trip to Kaikoura one day, a day where I had woken up and put on a flowy dress, tights that will not stay up no matter what, and worn in ballet flats. Having never been to Kaikoura I didn't know that the beach was not sand, but flat rock that was covered in some very slick algae. Also didn't know that we would walk around the beach and have to jump over canyon sized gaps with a high tide fast approaching. After the flat rock it was sharp, stony paths that cut right through my shoes. I was rewarded for my efforts however, with a large group of seals resting on the rocks. Almost walked past one, but saw it and turned around...they attack apparently.
So when I suggested we go back to Spencer Park in the daytime I should have thought to wear something beach appropriate. I didn't. I remembered to wear boots as it was chilly, but didn't think when I put on a skirt that is a size too big and the same tights as Kaikoura. I will never learn.
It was a nice day, not too warm or cold, and much better than being at work. If I could have days like that and get paid for them I would. In fact, right now I would settle for anything than my current job. I have a job interview on Tuesday that I'm prepping for. So far that has included getting rid of my orange tipped hair, which I was glad to see go, and freaking out about what to wear. I have an outfit in mind, just need to put it on and see if it works. I really want this job, but can't really afford to take a pay cut as we were notified that our current flat is going to be placed up for sale by the landlord. So we have until August 22 to find something else, or do a temporary lease to stay on until we find something. We also have the option of buying it, but I don't want to. I have no long term plans to stay in New Zealand, I love it here, but I would love to move to the UK one day, so buying a house here seems rather pointless.
*The title of the post is from beached as whale. so funny! typical kiwi bru speak.